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Turkish Academy Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Who/What is Turkish Academy?

Turkish Academy is an officialized Turkish teaching institution founded by Ahmet Öztel in January 2021. The institution aims to be one of the leading Turkish language schools in the world. You can find private lessons, semi-private lessons, free Turkish materials such as Turkish books, Turkish music, Turkish flashcards, and workshop events. You may read more about us in the "About Us" section.

Is there any physical institution where I can visit?

Unfortunately, Turkish Academy is an online-based academy. All the materials that we use are electronic and easy to use. You may book a zoom session to get more information about the courses, private lessons, and materials. You may send an email to or you may fill a contact form in the Contact section.

Are there any online Turkish courses?

There are two types of Turkish course you can have at Turkish Academy. You can have the option of Private Lessons, or you may share the fee of the private lessons and take Semi-Private lessons with your friends or with random Turkish enthusiasts.

There are sometimes listening & speaking-focused groups for higher levels. Please write us at or fill out a contact form in the Contact section for more information.

How many students are there in the class?

Private lessons are one-to-one lessons that are tailored to student's needs.

Semi-Private lessons can be between 2 - 4 people.

Listening & Speaking focused groups have either 4 or 6 people in it.

Are there any online free Turkish workshops?

Yes, we give free Turkish workshops seasonally. You may follow us on Facebook or Instagram to hear about these workshops. You may also watch our previous workshops on YouTube.

How long is a private Turkish lesson? How often should I take it?

Private lessons are 45 minutes for each session. The frequency of taking the lessons is totally up to you. If you are free and willing to learn Turkish fast, then you may take 5 days a week. If you are working every day and have a busy schedule, you may take it once a week. But the most common and balanced option is to take either twice or three times a week.

Are the lectures recorded?

Yes, the lectures are recorded once the students want them to be recorded and they are uploaded on Google Drive. They are also downloadable. The students can watch the recording if they miss the class or want to revise it.

Which video-conference tool is used for teaching?

Zoom is used for Turkish lessons as it provides good-quality of screen-sharing, teaching tools, great voice quality, and breakout room options. You may download the program from this link ( ) on your Windows or Mac. We also use Kahoot and Testmoz for interactive and fun quizzes.

Which materials are used during the classes?

There are several materials that are used for the lessons. Each skills require a different material. Turkish Academy is working on a coursebook and workbook that will be available in the markets soon. Kahoot, Testmoz, Youtube, and Türkçe'nin Sesi Radyosu are other materials that we use frequently as they help students to have fun while they are learning the Turkish language.

How can I pay for my online class?

If you have a credit card that has any of these payment integrations, you may pay it through the website in your selected course. You may also make a PayPal transaction.

mastercard visa american express troy iyzico


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